Best Practices For Refreshing and Maintaining Your Retail Store’s Interior Displays

how to refresh your store's interior displays

Have you ever walked into a retail store and been immediately struck by its ambiance? Perhaps the lighting was just right, or the products were arranged in an especially appealing way. Whatever the reason, you likely felt drawn to spend more time (and money) in that store. This is the power of interior displays.

But what makes a great interior display? It’s more than just throwing some products on a shelf and calling it a day. There are a number of elements to consider, from the color scheme and lighting to the layout and product placement. To create a truly captivating display, you need to think carefully about each of these elements and how they work together to create a cohesive and compelling visual story.

In this blog, we will explore the power of interior displays and how you can use them to draw customers into your store.

Let’s get started!

How Interior Displays Affect Offline Retail Stores

First impressions matter

The saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” holds true in retail.

When a customer walks into your store, the first few seconds are critical in determining whether or not they will stay and make a purchase. This is where interior displays come in.

A well-executed display can immediately capture customer’s attention and draw them in, creating a positive first impression that can set the tone for the entire shopping experience.

The colors, lighting, and layout of your displays should work together to create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere that encourages customers to stay and explore.

Helping customers find what they need

When customers enter a store, they may not know exactly what they are looking for or where to find it. A well-organized and clearly labeled display can help guide customers to the products they need while providing additional information and recommendations.

By using effective product placement and signage, you can help customers navigate the store and find what they need quickly and easily. This can make the shopping experience easier and more enjoyable for customers, increasing customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Helps with visual merchandising

Visual merchandising is the practice of creating visually appealing displays to showcase products and entice customers. Effective visual merchandising is essential for offline retail stores, as it can help attract and retain customers.

By creating aesthetically pleasing and informative displays, you can convey key messages about your brand and products while also driving sales and revenue.

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Get a custom display designed especially for your store today!

The right balance of color, lighting, texture, and product placement can work together to create a cohesive and engaging visual story that inspires customers to make a purchase.

Creating a unique brand identity

In today’s crowded marketplace, it can be difficult for retailers to stand out and differentiate themselves from their competitors. Interior displays can help you establish a unique brand identity that differentiates you from your competitors.

By using creative and compelling displays, you can establish a distinct visual identity that helps you stand out in the minds of customers. This can lead to increased brand recognition, customer loyalty, and, ultimately, higher sales.

Effective visual merchandising and display design can help you communicate your brand values and unique selling proposition in a way that resonates with your target audience.

In summary, interior displays play a critical role in offline retail stores. They help create positive first impressions, convey brand identity, drive sales, and improve the overall shopping experience for customers. In the next section, we’ll explore the key elements of an effective interior display.

Elements of an Effective Interior Display

An effective interior display is the result of carefully considering several elements, each playing an important role in creating a memorable visual experience for customers. Here are some key factors when that you should consider while designing a visual display for your store:

Color scheme

As a retail store owner, creating an effective interior display is essential to attracting and retaining customers. When selecting a color scheme for your display, consider your brand identity and the products you are showcasing. Use eye-catching and complementary colors to create a cohesive and visually appealing display that resonates with your target audience.

Ray Ban store exampleSource: Credit

To highlight specific products or categories, consider using bright and bold colors. For example, a store that specializes in fitness gear might use bright green to highlight their yoga mats or workout clothing.

Conversely, to create a more relaxed and inviting atmosphere, use softer and more muted tones. A store that sells luxury bedding might use soft pastels to create a calming atmosphere in their display.

In addition to highlighting specific products, use color to guide customers through the display. Create a visual hierarchy by using color to indicate different product categories or areas of the store. For example, a store that sells home décor might use warm tones like red and orange to highlight the kitchen section and cool tones like blue and green to highlight the living room section.


Lighting is a critical element of an effective interior display for retail stores. The right lighting can highlight products, create a certain ambiance, and even affect a customer’s mood and behavior. Here are some tips for using lighting effectively in your interior display:

Consider the type of lighting used: Natural light is ideal for showcasing products in their truest form, but not all stores have access to sufficient natural light. In such cases, LED lighting is an excellent option as it provides bright and even illumination and can be customized to create different moods and effects.

well-lit storeSource: Credit

Layer lighting for depth and texture: Using a combination of overhead, task, and accent lighting can create a layered effect that adds depth and texture to your display. This can create a more interesting and dynamic display that catches the eye of your customers.

Use lighting to highlight products: Use lighting to draw attention to specific products or displays. Consider using directional lighting or spotlights to create a focal point or backlights to create a halo effect around a product.

Create a welcoming atmosphere: Lighting can also create a certain ambiance that can affect customer behavior. Soft and warm lighting can create a relaxing atmosphere that encourages customers to spend more time browsing. In contrast, bright and cool lighting can create a sense of urgency that encourages customers to make a purchase.

Layout and flow

As a retail store owner, creating a logical and intuitive layout is crucial for an effective interior display in your store. The layout and flow should guide customers through the store and highlight different products and categories, ultimately driving sales and revenue.

Start by considering the placement of your entrance. Make sure it’s welcoming and easily visible from outside the store, drawing customers in and encouraging them to explore further.

Once inside, organize your store logically and intuitively, with clear signage and product categories that are easy to find. Group products together by category or theme, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Use displays, shelves, and other fixtures to create an appealing and organized store. Arrange products in a way that makes sense—for example: by category or price—making it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Consider the flow of your store as well. The layout should encourage customers to move throughout the store and explore different areas—clearly defining pathways while highlighting different products or categories.

Product placement

Product placement involves strategically placing products to catch the customer’s eye, encourage exploration and interaction, and ultimately lead to a purchase.

To start, consider your store’s most popular or high-value products. These items should be placed front and center, in the customer’s direct line of sight as they enter the store. Eye-catching displays can be created using stands, risers, or other fixtures to give products a prominent position in the store.

Next, group related products together. This will help customers find what they’re looking for and encourage them to purchase complementary products. For example, if you’re selling kitchen appliances, you may want to group blenders, mixers, and food processors together.

Finally, consider placing smaller or impulse-buy items near the checkout counter. This can encourage customers to make a last-minute purchase before leaving the store.

Props and accessories

Props and accessories can enhance the overall aesthetic and appeal of a retail store’s interior display. By adding visual interest and variety, retailers can create an engaging and memorable shopping experience for customers.

Start by selecting props and accessories relevant to your products and brand. For example, a clothing retailer may use mannequins to display outfits or accessories like jewelry and hats to complement the clothing. A home goods store may use decorative pillows or wall art to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

When selecting props and accessories, keep in mind your store’s color scheme and style. They should complement the overall aesthetic and be distinct from the products being displayed. Use props and accessories sparingly to avoid overwhelming customers and creating a cluttered or chaotic display.

Props and accessories can also create a themed or seasonal display. For example, a bookstore may use Halloween-themed props and decorations during October to create a festive atmosphere and encourage customers to browse for spooky reads.

Be careful not to overdo it with props and accessories, as too many can overwhelm customers and detract from the products being sold. Use them sparingly and ensure they complement the displayed products rather than distract from them.

Tips for Creating Compelling Interior Displays

Keep it simple

When it comes to creating a compelling interior display in a retail store, simplicity can be key. A cluttered or overwhelming display can deter customers from exploring further, so it’s important to keep things simple and uncluttered.

Start by selecting a few key products to feature in the display. Choose visually interesting or unique items, and consider how they can be arranged to create a cohesive and engaging display. Use props and accessories sparingly to complement the products, not overpower them.

In addition to product selection, it’s also important to consider the layout and flow of the display. Ensure the store has plenty of open space to create a sense of calm and organization. Avoid overcrowding shelves or display cases and instead focus on creating a clean and uncluttered display.

Finally, consider the store’s overall design and color scheme when creating an interior display. The display should complement the store’s branding and aesthetic, creating a cohesive and visually appealing atmosphere for customers to shop in.

Use storytelling to connect with customers

Humans are wired to respond to stories, and storytelling in interior displays can create an emotional connection with customers. By telling a story with the products on display, retailers can make the experience more memorable and meaningful for customers.

For example, a store selling outdoor gear can create a display that tells the story of an imaginary camping trip. The display could feature tents, sleeping bags—any other products customers might need on their adventure (e.g., campfire starters). By using elements that customers can relate to and imagine themselves in, a display creates excitement around the product.

In a fashion boutique, a display can tell the story of an individual whose style is reflected in the clothes being showcased. By using props and accessories, retailers can create visual images that customers will identify with—and buy!

Incorporating storytelling into interior displays is one way to differentiate a store from competitors. By creating a memorable experience for customers, retailers can make a strong brand identity that sets them apart—which will, in turn, attract new clients and help keep current ones coming back!

Create a focal point

Creating a focal point in your interior displays can attract customers and encourage them to explore further. A focal point is a central element of the display that immediately catches the customer’s attention.

An effective way to use a focal point is by choosing one primary product or element and focusing on it. This could be a new product, something in high demand, or that fits the current trend—whatever catches your eye!

Once you have chosen your focal point, consider how to draw attention to it. Use lighting or props to highlight the product and create a sense of drama and excitement. Arrange complementary products around the focal point to encourage customers to explore further.

Remember that the focal point should be prominent in the display, such as the store’s center or front. This will help ensure that customers notice it immediately and are drawn to further explore.

By creating a focal point in your interior displays, you can capture customers’ attention and encourage them to engage with your products, ultimately driving sales and revenue.

Incorporate technology

Using technology to create interior displays can engage customers and create a memorable shopping experience. The use of technology, such as interactive displays, personalized recommendations, and innovative product showcases, facilitates engagement with shoppers by providing an enhanced level of service. Here are a few ways to incorporate technology:

Interactive displays: Interactive displays are a great way to engage customers and give them something fun while shopping. Use touchscreens, self-ordering kiosks or other interactive elements on your store floor so that shoppers can learn more about the products you sell and customize their own orders.

Digital signage: Digital signage is a form of electronic advertising consisting of displays placed in public areas and using LED screens, LCD, or any other technologies to show short videos or graphics.

Augmented reality: Augmented reality allows you to use your product’s physical attributes in a virtual space. For example, if you sell furniture online and the customer is looking at it using augmented-reality glasses or a mobile device, they can see how the piece would look in their living room.

Keep displays fresh and up-to-date.

Keeping your displays fresh and up-to-date is essential to ensuring that customers continue to engage with your products and brand. Here are a few tips to help keep your displays looking fresh and up-to-date:

Rotate products: Regularly rotating the products in your displays can help keep things interesting for customers and encourage them to explore new products. Consider turning your displays on a monthly or seasonal basis.

Update props and accessories: Props and accessories can quickly become outdated. Regularly updating these elements can help keep your displays fresh and visually appealing.

Keep an eye on trends: Keep up-to-date with the latest design and fashion trends, and incorporate these into your displays where appropriate. This will help ensure that your displays feel modern and relevant.

Monitor customer feedback: Pay attention to customer feedback and adjust your displays accordingly. If customers are consistently drawn to a particular display or product, consider expanding or enhancing it.

By keeping your displays fresh and up-to-date, you can ensure that customers continue to engage with your products and brand, ultimately driving sales and revenue.

Best Practices for Maintaining and Refreshing Interior Displays

Conduct regular audits

Regular audits of your interior displays are essential to maintaining and refreshing your displays over time. Regular audits help you identify areas needing improvement and opportunities to enhance your displays.

Review your displays critically from a customer’s perspective when conducting an audit of your displays. Look for outdated or cluttered areas, effective lighting, and missing elements that could enhance the display. Consider how customers move through your store and how your displays can guide them.

Review your inventory to ensure that your displays are up-to-date with your current inventory. Lastly, get feedback from employees on what is working well and where there is room for improvement.

Monitor customer feedback

Pay attention to customer feedback and adjust your displays accordingly. Feedback can come from various sources, including in-store surveys, social media, and customer comments. Use this feedback to identify areas where your displays are succeeding and areas where there is room for improvement. The feedback can help you improve the customer experience and drive sales by changing your displays to align with customer preferences.

Train staff on visual merchandising

It’s important to train your staff on the basics of visual merchandising to help maintain and refresh your displays over time. Ensure your team understands the importance of visual merchandising and knows how to implement the critical elements of an effective display, such as color schemes, lighting, and product placement. They can also help keep displays clean and organized, ensuring customers can easily find what they want.

Utilize seasonal themes and trends

Incorporating seasonal themes and trends into your displays can help keep them fresh and relevant. Use seasonal colors, props, and accessories to create a cohesive and engaging display tailored to the season or time of year.

For example, you could incorporate warm colors and cozy textures during the fall and winter months or bright colors and beach-themed accessories during the summer months. Utilizing trends can also keep displays relevant and engaging.


Creating and maintaining effective interior displays for offline retail stores requires a mix of art and science. Retailers can create aesthetically pleasing and informative displays by incorporating critical elements like color schemes, lighting, layout, and product placement.

Conducting regular audits, monitoring customer feedback, and training staff on visual merchandising best practices are essential to ensure that displays remain fresh and relevant over time. Finally, incorporating seasonal themes and trends can help keep displays engaging and drive sales and revenue.

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